Monday, October 02, 2006

Difficult conversation

Hey, blog, what's up?


Yeah, I know it's been a while. I just thought I'd see how you're doing, you know, maybe hang out a little.


What do you mean, you thought I'd be in touch. You could've called me too, darlin.


OK, that's a good point.


No, you're right.


I said I think you're right. But I do think you're reading a little more into this than is necessary. I've been real busy, you know. I moved in with my girlfriend and started a new job and stuff. Plus S has been pre-adolescent cranky and--


I know, sweetie. You are a priority to me.


Don't say that. You are. I think about you all the time.


No, it's not the same, but you are on my mind. A lot.


Well maybe you're expecting a little too much from this relationship, you know? Just because we've been hanging out a lot for a few months doesn't mean I have that kind of obligation to you.


Yes, I said obligation. Isn't that the same thing?


Hold on, there's no need to talk like that.


I never said how often I'd be in touch, you know.


No, implying is not the same thing.


Well maybe you shouldn't have.


I'm an autonomous individual, you know. I don't have to--


Me either.


Yeah, maybe that's for the best.


No, it doesn't have to be like that.


I know you do. Me too.


Look, why don't I call you next week and see how you're feeling? We can talk?




Okay, sweetie.


You, too. Bye.


bec said...

Hey, you know that thing where you start seeing less of someone, so you start seeing less of that someone's friends? I'm your blog's friend, and I miss hearing from you, but I can't really say that because I don't want to get involved in whatever is going on between you two.

Jen said...

You know what? Blog and I are autonomous individuals with no commitment to each other, so if you two want to see each other, I got nothin to say about it.

(But don't call to tell me the details or I might cry.)


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