Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Goals

I think I just want to eat Rice Krispie treats. That's my new career path. I'll just eat them, sometimes with the butterscotch/chocolate stuff on top, sometimes plain. Sometimes with Cocoa Krispies, sometimes with the Fruity Pebbles. But always marshmallowy goodness, and always in my mouth. It's my calling. I could post a resume if anyone's interested in hiring me for that position.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how they'd be with hot fudge sauce? Shall I put you down to bring rice crispie squares to the July picnic potluck?

Bridge said...

Ooh, Rice Crispies ith Fruity Pebbles instead? That sounds DELICIOUS! Now I'm going to go buy some Fruity Pebbles to make them.


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